Friday, October 30, 2015

Friday Oct 30 2015


Since I failed to click "'post" and place the videos for last night's homework online, we will work thru the Examples on Video One from last night stopping to discuss various points along the way during each problem.

Afterwards we will work thru two problems from yesterday (55, 57) and work thru 58 as well.

HW take notes on the two remaining videos posted on Thursday's page.  Look ahead to Monday - page 378 (Half-Angle formulas) and work through Example 6.

Bridge Math


Create various expressions and equations to describe relationships between quantities.
(Take a sentence or sentences and write a relevant expression or equation.)

Geometry:  G-GMD

Take Notes on the following videos concerning finding the surface area of rectangular prisms.

What is a Geometric Net

Using Nets to find Surface Area

Lateral Area and Surface Area of a Rectangular Prism

Lateral and Surface Area of a Triangular Prism

work and check the following problems:  p 440 (5,6,7; 17-35)

Thurs Oct 29 2015

Sum and Difference Formulas

p. 368

Work through Examples 1,2,5

Classwork  p.372(2-10 Even) (55, 57), take micro-quiz

Homework take notes from videos below...

Be prepared to turn in notes from videos at beginning of class.  They will be returned once they are checked.

Bridge Math

Compare rational numbers using > , < , =

Work examples then work and check worksheet.  Discuss common denominators and also how to convert to decimal and compare.


2nd part of MIST practice test.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wed Oct 28 2015


Work through HW problems from past two nights.  Finish with applied problems 68, 69.

HW 366 (73, 74)  read thru examples p 368-371

Bridge Math

Finish Scientific Notation conversions.


Work a selected applied Trig problem

Continue with dilations from yesterday

Worksheet  : Dilations

Work dilation problems from the book  p. 504-505 (40-44)

Look at dilations that are NOT centered about the Origin.

Work through the first example, Dilatinf a full shape,  HERE...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tues oct 27 2015


Continue on with the rest of the example problems.  Take 10 minute Micro-Quiz.

Classwork/HW p.364 6,8,20,22,68,69,70

Bridge Math

Continue Scientific Notation

Converting each way; correcting incorrect conversions.


Work various  trig word problems from the following worksheet  PDF
(start page 4 -- Totem pole problems)

Introduce the last Geometric Transformation - Dilations

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday Oct 26 2015


5.3 Solving Trig Equations

Quickly go back over Examples 1-4, continue on working through examples 5-8 (p. 356-360)

HW p. 364 (1-13 ODD, 17-25 ODD, 31)

Quiz problem tomorrow

Bonus;  Due Friday  -  State how you can convert an angle in decimal radians into the standard rational form including pi.

Bridge Math

Scientific Notation

Work problems from the board... focus on "correcting" incorrect sci. not. numbers.


Review:  Finding height using the tangent function

(missed often on TNCore benchmark)

Work additional problems from the following examples...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday Oct 13 2015


G TI -1

Review HW problems from Monday...

Did you watch the videos...  you have a quiz over some of the problems in them...!

Identitiy Quiz

Work HW problems...  also p. 345 (16-24 EVEN, 46, 48, 86)

Bridge Math

Finish problems from worksheet and discuss strategies to factor Difference of Squares


GC-2  Identify and desc. relationships among inscribed, angles, radii, and chords,; central, inscribed, andgles, etc.

Understand relationships between central and inscribed angles on the circle and outside the circle...  also chords which cross inside the circle and the  lengths of those segments.

Relationships between angles and arc measure.

Most are here.

Intersecting Chords

Work problems from board.

Monday, October 12, 2015

Monday Oct 12 2015


Review HW problems from Friday...

Did you watch the videos...  you *may* have a quiz over some of the problems in them...!

Cover the Cofunction Identities

p. 345 (16-24 EVEN, 46, 48,86)

Bridge Math

Factoring Difference of Squares



GC-2  Identify and desc. relationaships among inscribed, angles, radii, and chords,; central, inscribed, andgles, etc.

Understand relationships between central and inscribed angles on the circle.

Relationships between angles and arc measure.

Work problems from board.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Oct 09 2015


5.1 Trig Identities p. 340

Work examples 1-8
Work Selected Problems at end of section 5.1 as time allows.

p.345 (2,27,28,31,32,45,52,54,70)

Watch videos over weekend.  Two problems shown on the videos will be used on a quiz Monday or Tuesday.

See how the Unit Circle can turn into a Sine function (scroll half-way down page, look for animation.)

Good Intro to Trig

Bridge Math


Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday October 08 2015


Work review problems p. 334 - 337  first half of class before quiz.

Ch 04 Quiz

Look at Trig Identities (CH 05)

Bridge Math

Finish multiplying polynomials using FOIL or Dist. Property.



Vertex form of a Circle  --  Circles and inscribed angles, etc.

Vertex Form of a Circle - 10 problems
Graph Paper

Wednesday Oct 07 2015


Applied Problems : angles of elevation and depression; headings, inverse trig functions to solve for angles.

p.327-327  (20, 25, 33, 49)

Bridge Math

Complete multiplying polynomials (FOIL and Dist. Prop.)


Finish PARCC problems


vertex form of a circle

Completing the Square

Vertex Form

Worksheet - Given (or deriving) the vertex form of a circle, locate and sketch the center point, radius, and the circle itself.


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday Oct 06 2015

Precalculus and Bridge Math pre-empted for the 10th grade PLAN test.


Problems on parallelograms:  Link

Use problems as source problems drawn on overhead... (35 min)

Begin using review material in addition to continuing on with new objectives.

Select problems from practice EOC/CORE practice.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Monday October 05 2015


Review Friday's Lesson p.309-312

Review inverse relationship of arcsin, arccos, arctan...

Discuss use of unit circle and inverse trig functions to find unknown angles.

Use inverse trig functions to find unknown angles in application problems.

Bridge Math

Multiplying Polynomials by Monomials




Briefly discuss constructions from last week and we will be returning to them at week's end.

Prove theorems about parallelograms

- opposite sides are congruent
- opposite angles are congruent

Problems at end of class from following website:

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Friday Oct 02 2015


Read p 309-312
Work examples 1,2, and 3

Problems, p316-318 (2,4,6, 27-30 ALL, 71, 74, 75)

Bridge Math

Adding and Subtracting Polynomials

Work handouts and turn in.


Work handout -- Geometric Constructions.  Turn in when finished.

Read page 177 - 179.  Copy rules, etc on these pages.

Page 180 (9 - 38)

Thursday Oct 01 2015


Define reciprocal trig functions.

Compare to Inverse trig functions

p306 (68, 72)  Work out these multi-step applied math problems showing diagrams and all work.

Note:  moving around with my jacket over my shoulders trying to stay warm with this cold and fever...  back and forth to the board.

Kinda reminds me of Jame's Browns Cape Routine.

Bridge Math

Worksheet Polynomial Addition and Subtraction


Beginning - constructing altitude of acute and obtuse triangles (pretty much the same as constructing a perpendicular to a line thru a point not on the line.

Define and construct Orthocenter,  Centroid, and Incenter of a triangle.