Friday, March 5, 2010

How to create a teacher website in 5 minutes

... okay, in five minutes each step!

I don't have a lot of time to work on this today, so hang on, here's the quick-n-dirty version.

1. Sign up for a free GMail email address ( or You will need this in order to log into the free website hosting resource,

2. Go to and log in with your (new) GMail address and password. Spend some time setting up the look and feel of your blogger site. You're now 3/4ths of the way through.

3. Go to ( and create and account there. This is where you will host the PDF files you will create with the Promethean Board (how to do this is covered in the video segment.)

4. I use Microsoft Movie Maker to make the video segments. They are uploaded directly to (I do not use due to it being blocked at school, etc.) The limit is 100 megs per clip, so choose a middle of the road video resolution. I use 340 kbps and it weighs in at 2 megs per minute. This will give me more time than I should ever need for a single clip.

In the interest of time, the instructions are in the video. I will help you all that I can, but please remember that I stay after school M-Th and my planning time is precious.

I hope this helps,

Coach Smith
